Best Laid Plans

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Terrace Area, British Colombia


Life can be hard on expeditions!

Waiting for the skies to clear, before being dropped into the backcountry and setting up a wild camp was all tough in its own ways.

Fighting the cold was probably the hardest part, but it was kept at bay by crew camaraderie and working hard to dig in for the week, aided by an endless stream of coffee and tea from the cook tent.

Little did we know our efforts would wake a grizzly bear from its slumbers, only to piss it off enough to have it chase us out of its backyard after only one night, best laid plans and all that.


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It certainly sounded like a great idea - take a heli from Terrace, BC, into a remote mountain range. It didn’t cross any of our minds that being not so far from an area called the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary might have some influence on the trip... Read More


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Words - Pete Coombs

Photos - Zak Emerson