BD's Power Ball Recipe


Power My Balls


Splitboarding is always an effort and refuelling is an essential part of enjoying your day and keeping safe.

We’ve always loved making our own healthy on-mountain snacks and have honed down our own power ball recipe, which we thought we’d share with you.

But don’t feel you need to stick to our recipe, try throwing in some: dried fruit, crystallised ginger, oats honey or even chilli oil.

Our main ingredients are: dates, cacao powder and nuts, so some instant sugar hit and some slow-release energy too.


Simply throw everything into a food processor and give it a blitz. depending on the dates you use you may find the blitz ingredients end up either too dry or too wet.

If you find it’s too dry add a little more coconut oil and if it’s too wet add a little more cacao powder.

The mixture should feel somewhat oily and should easily roll together into a ball.



Before rolling the mixture into balls, our favourite thing is to add some crystallised ginger. Simply cut the ginger into small lumps and add a little or a lot. It fires up the mixture giving a nice warming to your mouth on a cold winters day.

It’s up to you how big you want to make the balls, we like to make them bite-size, with this quantity of ingredients (below) making 12 balls.

Once you’ve shaped the ball we roll them in desiccated coconut, which tastes great and also helps the balls from sticking together on hot spring days.


Dates 150g

Cacao Powder 30g

Cashews 20g

Flaked Almonds 20g

Chia Seeds 10g

Coconut Oil 30g

Ginger to taste

Desiccated Coconut to coat balls


Words and Photos: Pete Coombs