Whoop Whoop WHUMPF

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We’re all busting to get out on the mountain. With the pent up energy we all have right now, it’s got to be worth thinking about how we can keep ourselves safe once we do get a chance to rip that powder up.

Paying attention to our thoughts and emotions whilst ascending and descending snow slopes is so key. Another ingredient is to do the proper avi homework, stay in contact with one another all the way up and down. Together, make smart decisions about where you’re headed and how you’re going to avoid avi terrain.

Be willing to not go through with a plan. Don’t see it as failure to back off, rather see it as an opportunity to explore something else, practice measuring your own ego and those of your compadres.

Life is a recce. Come back again, ride another day. The mountain has been there for billions of years, the feeling that this is ‘it, now or never’, is often a dangerous imposter for adventure. Impatience is probably our worst friend.

Backing off means when you do decide to go for it, and everything is looking good, as well as feeling right, it’s all the sweeter for it. Let the good times roll, and let’s confidently back off the rest.

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Photo by Yann Gross who has been working in association with Swiss Institute for snow and Avalanche Research


Words - Zak Emerson

Photos - Yann Gross